Theodore Ushev : liens invisibles
Theodore Ushev, the auteur behind a number of renowned animated shorts, reveals his inner universe, formed by a half-century of personal experience acquired in a constantly changing world. In this feature documentary by Borislav Kolev, Ushev reminisces about the “unseen connections” in his life—biographical and historical, cultural and subcultural. Connections that shaped him as a...
QUEBEC PREMIERE Audience choice grand prix – Sakhalin International Film Festival – 2020Rimbaud Award – Les Rimbaud du Cinéma – 2020 Babak, an Iranian student in Greece, doesn’t show up to welcome his visiting parents at the Athens airport. Pari and her older husband, both devout Muslims abroad for the first time, are ill prepared to search for their son in an intimidating and alien environment. All their attempts to find a clue that might lead them to him prove to bein vain and they soon reach a dead end. But Pari can’t give up looking for him, even when returning to Iran seems like her only choice. Following the steps of her rebellious son in the darkest corners of the city, she will exhaust her inner strength to achieve more than a mother’s search for her missing son.
As Far as I Can Walk
CANADIAN PREMIERE Grand Prix Crystal Globe – Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Czech Republic – 2021Official Selection – Montpellier Film Festival – 2021 Strahinya and his wife, Ababuo, both 28, left Ghana at the beginning of the migrant crisis.They managed to reach Germany but were deported back to Belgrade. Serbia may not be Germany, butStrahinya does his best to start a new life. He works hard to secure asylum, trying out as a football playerfor a local club and working as a volunteer for the Red Cross. The process, however, is lengthy andAbabuo, a passionate woman aspiring to become an actress in London, feels unfulfilled in their life. Onenight, a new group of Syrian refugees arrive, on their way to Western Europe. One of them is Ali, acharismatic left-wing activist. Ababuo initially mocks him, but, the very next day, leaves Serbia with him,providing no explanation. Strahinya sets off along the Balkan migrant route for completely differentreasons than anyone else: for love. A re-imagining of the medieval Serbian epic poem BanovichStrahinya in which contemporary African migrants take the place of Serbian national heroes. Urgent andtimeless at the same time, this adaptation raises questions about identity, tradition, race and love. * Country of production: Serbia, Luxembourg, France, Bulgaria, Lithuania
Brighton 4th
QUEBEC PREMIERE Official Selection – Tribeca Film Festival – 2021 Former wrestling champion Kakhi (Levan Tediashvili, himself a former Olympic wrestling champion) always has his family on his conscience, and in « Brighton 4th », this leads him on a journey from his home in the Republic of Georgia to visit his son Soso (Giorgi Tabidze) in the Russian-speaking neighborhood of Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. There he finds Soso living in a shabby boarding house populated by a colorful group of fellow Georgian immigrants. And Soso is not studying medicine, as Kakhi believed, but is working for a moving company and has accrued a $14,000 gambling debt to a local mob boss. Kakhi sets his mind to helping his hapless son out of his debt, leading to situations as often comic as they are dire. Country of production: Georgia, Russia, Bulgaria, Monaco, United States Thanks to the professional translation program of the Department of Arts, Languages and Literature of the Université de Sherbrooke for the subtitles translation of Brighton 4th and Ange de ma vie presented during the Festival cinéma du monde de Sherbrooke.