Nature humaine

This movie is presented with:
La Soirée estrienne | Wednesday, 5 April | 18:30 | Consult the activity |
Quebec's cinema
In collaboration with Hydro-Québec
During a four day outdoor excursion eight young adults dealing with social exclusion and self esteem challenges talk freely about their reality. The warm moments they share alongside their accompanying social workers and their human proximity allow us to discover them under a different angle then that of marginality.
Mathieu Drouin
Social filmmaker, advertising creator and director, Mathieu Drouin is at ease both with fiction and documentary. His shorts La marche du funambule and 34 soleils et 2 lunes both caught attention or received prizes. He is currently writing a comedy called Sainte-Hernette for which the pilot earned 325 000 views on Facebook and YouTube combined.