Moi et Kaminski
Focus on German cinema
In collaboration with the Goethe Institut - Montreal
In this tragicomic road movie, unsuccessful young journalist Sebastian Zöllner (Daniel Brühl) is writing an article on the legendary but almost forgotten painter Manuel Kaminski. As Zöllner misuses the reclusive Kaminski under the guise of helping him reconnect with his lost love, Zöllner’s ulterior motive becomes obvious – the sooner Kaminski dies, the sooner he can cash in on the article and become famous. But misuse can be a two-way street – the elderly Kaminski doesn’t mind having someone pay his way to travel throughout Europe, thus escaping the control of his overbearing daughter Miriam. Based on world-renowned Austrian author Daniel Kehlmann’s novel of the same name, this art industry satire highlights the emptiness of blatant self-promotion while taking the audience on a true adventure.
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