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A Taxi Driver

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Samedi, 14 avril 2018 | 12:00 La Maison du Cinéma

                                    Affiche de A Taxi Driver

Dans ce drame puissant basé sur une histoire vraie des années 80, un chauffeur de taxi malchanceux de Séoul, embauché par un journaliste étranger, se retrouve dans une lutte de vie ou de mort au milieu de l’insurrection de Gwanju.


Jang Hoon


Eom Yu-Na


Corée du Sud








Coréen, Allemand, Anglais et Japonais, sous-titré en Anglais


Song Kang-Ho, Thomas Kretschmann, Yoo Hai-Jin et Ryu Jun-Yeol


Voir la bande annonce Dossier de presse
À propos de

Jang Hoon

From his debut feature ROUGH CUT to SECRET REUNION and THE FRONT LINE, Director JANG Hoon has drawn attention for his stories about contrasting characters that are thrown into situations against their will: an actor and a gangster who end up fighting for real while shooting a film; a North Korean spy abandoned by his country and a disgraced South Korean intelligence agent; soldiers during the Korean War forced to take and re-take a small hill that will contribute nothing to their side’s victory. The only way for the characters to cope with these impossible situations is for them to form a special connection, which the director portrays brilliantly in his films. The director’s third film, THE FRONT LINE, was a large-scale war movie released in 2011 that was well received by critics and audiences. Through the guise of a mystery narrative, the film revolved around the story of South and North Korean soldiers carrying out meaningless sacrifices trying to capture a nameless hill. It was selected as South Korea’s contender for the 84th Academy Awards in the Best Foreign Language Film section.

2017: A Taxi Driver
2011: The Front Line
2010: Secret Reunion
2008: Rough Cut

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