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23.03.02 -

107 Mothers

Lesya has committed a crime of passion which brings her a seven-year sentence in one of Odessa’s women’s correctional facilities. She has just given birth to her first child, and now she is entering a world populated only by women: inmates, nurses and wardens, women of all ages, wives and widows, daughters, sisters, pregnant women,...

21.10.15 -

Summer Rebels

Official Competition – Vilnius Children and Youth Film Festival, Lithuania – 2020Official Selection – Busan International Kids and Youth Film Festival, South Korea – 2020Official Selection – Children’s Rights FIlm Festival, Chroatia – 2020 10 years and older. Rowdy Jonas, 11, longs to spend summer vacation shooting rabbits and exploring the Slovakian countryside with his cool Grandpa Bernard, but his exasperated mother has already made plans to go to the seaside instead. Jonas sneaks away from his ho-me in Dresden to take the train by himself to his grandpa’s charming little town in Slovakia. When he arrives, he discovers that cool grandpa has become grumpy grandpa, and Jonas realizes why his mother didn’t want him to go there – but the damage is done! Jonas is left on his own while his grumpy grandpa mopes. Luckily, his brave and tom-boyish neighbor Alex befriends Jonas and together they create a scheme to raise money for a raft of their own, unleashing a series of dodgy shenanigans. Their illegal racket creates an uproar in the village, lands Grandpa Bernard in jail for a crime he didn’t commit, and causes Alex and Jonas’ friendship to fray. Will Jonas find a way to repair the messes he’s made? Beautifully shot in the gorgeous summer sunlit landscape, with a charming, uplifting soundtrack, Summer Rebels is a bilingual comedy-adventure that offers humor and warmth for the whole family.

21.06.18 -


Sélection officielle – Berlin International Film Festival – 2020 Few true stories tread the thin line between good and evil as precariously as that of Jan Mikolášek, a 20th century Czech herbal healer whose great success masked the grimmest of secrets. Mikolášek won fame and fortune treating celebrities of the interwar, Nazi, and Communist eras with his uncanny knack for “urinary diagnosis”. But his passion for healing welled up from the same source as a lust for cruelty, sadism, and an incapacity for love that only one person could ever quell – his assistant, František. As a show trial threatens to pry open these secrets and undo him, Jan’s dichotomies are put to a final test, with the fate of his life’s only love in the balance. A personal tale as replete with twists as the century itself, and a reflection on the price one pays for single-mindedly following one’s calling.