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22.02.28 -

La colline où rugissent les lionnes

Golden Camera Selection – Cannes Film Festival – 2021Best director – Raindance Film Festival – 2021 Somewhere in Kosovo, in a small remote village, three young women see their dreams and ambitions stifled. In their quest for independence, nothing can stop them: time to let the lionesses roar.

22.02.28 -

La colline où rugissent les lionnes

Sélection Caméra d’Or – Festival de Cannes – 2021Meilleure réalisatrice – Raindance Film Festival – 2021 Quelque part au Kosovo, dans un village isolé, trois jeunes femmes voient étouffer leurs rêves et leurs ambitions. Dans leur quête d’indépendance, rien ne pourra les arrêter: le temps est venu de laisser rugir les lionnes.

22.02.28 -


Meilleur film, Prix de la mise en scène et Prix du public – Sundance Film Festival 2021.Gagnant de 13 autres prix internationaux et nominé à 11 reprises. Le mari de Fahrije a disparu pendant la guerre du Kosovo. La jeune femme essaie d’ouvrir un petit commerce pour nourrir sa famille, mais se heurte à une société patriarcale.

22.02.28 -


Winner of the Audience Award, Directing Award, and World Cinema Grand Jury Prize at Sundance Film Festival.Kosovo’s official submission for the Academy AwardsWinner of 13 international awards and nominated 11 times. Sundance triple award winner, and Kosovo’s official submission for the Academy Awards®, HIVE is a searing drama based on the true story of Fahrije (Yllka Gashi), who, like many of the other women in her patriarchal village, has lived with fading hope and burgeoning grief since her husband went missing during the war in Kosovo. In order to provide for her struggling family, she pulls the other widows in her community together to launch a business selling a local food product. Together, they find healing and solace in considering a future without their husbands but their will to begin living independently is met with hostility. The men in the village condemn Fahrije’s efforts to empower herself and the women around her, starting a feud that threatens their newfound sovereignty and the financial future of Fahrije’s family. Against the backdrop of Eastern Europe’s civil unrest and lingering misogyny, Fahrije and the women of her village join in a struggle to find hope in the face of an uncertain future. Winner of the Audience Award, Directing Award, and World Cinema Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, HIVE is a pithy, devastating portrait of loss and our uphill journeys to freedom.