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Spécial Louisiane | Zachary Richard, toujours batailleur

Please note that this event is now archived.


Sunday, 7 April 2019 | 12:00 Add to my favourites Buy a ticket

Organized with the support of, and in concert with, the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques

Discover the two screenings presented as part of Ciné-Échange | Spécial Louisiane and come to meet committed players who will share their experiences and their convictions on the importance of French in Louisiana. The activity will unfold in two parts:

12 p.m. – La Maison du Cinéma
Watch the documentary Zachary Richard, toujours batailleur (Zachary Richard, Cajun Heart), directed by Phil Comeau. Follow singer Zachary Richard as he returns to his roots to try and understand the resiliency of Acadians and gauge the relevance of an Acadian identity today.

3 p.m. – La Capsule Bistro-Cinéma
See Le Choix de Théo, by Thomas Cauvin et Mikael Espinasse, a documentary on the French language in Louisiana’s southwest region and the struggle to preserve an imperiled heritage by means of immersion schools in the United States.

Following the second film, you’ll want to attend this discussion panel – La Louisiane, d’hier à aujourd’hui, du folklore à l’affirmation (Louisiana from past to present, from folklore to self-affirmation) – in the company of :
– Diane Martin, presenter, journalist and interviewer.
– Joseph Dunn, founder of Louisiana Perspectives, Marketing & Consulting, a public relations firm promoting cultural tourism and the enhancement of the French heritage
– Maggie (Marguerite) Perkins, activist and young ambassador for francophony in the Americas, who is in charge of community development at the Council for the Development of French in Louisiana (CODOFIL).

Regular rate (for one movie): $12.50 – Privilege: $9
Passport and Unlimited pass eligible for admission

Presented film:

Zachary Richard, toujours batailleur

Phil Comeau
View film details

