Courts d’ici et d’ailleurs

Tuesday, 7 April 2020 | 15:00 | La Maison du Cinéma |
Buy a ticket |
In the presence of some of the directors, discover a selection of short films of all kinds on the theme of living together.
Regular rate: $13
Special rate | 65 years and +: $10
Special rate | 25 years and under: $9
Passport and Unlimited Access Pass eligible
Presented films:

Antonio Pierre De Almeida
Antonio Pierre de Almeida is a very versatile filmmaker. He lends his talent to many and varied projects ranging from fiction to documentary, and also audiovisual museum productions. In 2012, he directs his first documentary feature: "Rapailler l'Homme".
Will attend:
- Tuesday, 7 April 2020 | 15:00 - La Maison du Cinéma
Guillaume Baillargeon
Comedian, Guillaume has always had a marked interest in documentaries of a social nature. After animating a cultural magazine at CBC and collaborating on the documentary series 30 secondes pour changer le monde at Télé-Québec, he studied at INIS in documentary filmmaking. Our roots weave the land is his first documentary work, produced with the support of Spira.
Will attend:
- Tuesday, 7 April 2020 | 15:00 - La Maison du Cinéma
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