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Ciné-Nature | Loups tendres et loufoques

Please note that this event is now archived.
En familleFamily activityShort film


Thursday, 9 April 2020 | 10:00 Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke Add to my favourites Buy a ticket

3 years and older

Take advantage of your school’s Planning Day to share a special moment with your kids. We’ll be screening Wonderful Wacky Wolves, a programme of shorts where we revisit the storybook image of wolves with humour and poetry, to return them to their rightful place in the natural world.

The Museum will offer a workshop directly after the screening.

Admission: $6
This Activity Ticket also includes an entrance for the Sherbrooke Museum of Nature and Sciences.
Passport and Unlimited Access Pass eligible

Presented films:

C’est moi le plus beau

Anaïs Sorrentino, Arnaud Demuynck
6 minutes
France and Belgium
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C’est moi le plus fort

Anaïs Sorrentino, Arnaud Demuynck
6 minutes
France and Belgium
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Trop Petit Loup

Arnaud Demuynck
9 minutes
France and Belgium
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Le Retour du Grand Méchant Loup

Pascale Hecquet
11 minutes
France and Belgium
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Grand Loup & Petit Loup

Rémi Durin
14 minutes
Belgium and France
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Hugo Frassetto
5 minutes
France and Belgium
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