Fukushima mon amour
from Doris Dörrie
Friday, June, 2 – 7 pm, at La Capsule Bistro-Cinéma
In collaboration with Goethe-Institut de Montréal, Radio-Canada Estrie
and La Capsule Bistro-Cinéma
Prix Coup de cœur du public Radio-Canada winner – Festival cinéma du monde de Sherbrooke 2017
Berlinale 2016
Festival international du film d’amour de Mons 2017
Festival international du film de Thiblisi 2017
Marie and her husband separate on their wedding day. Now, the young woman wants to get as far away as possible from the place of the tragic event. She travels to Japan with the organization “Clowns4Help” to help the survivors of the Fukushima catastrophe. Marie quickly realizes that she can’t carry out the task. But she doesn’t want to give up. She accompanies the ageing geisha Satomi to her destroyed house in the exclusion zone, which has been radioactively contaminated since 2011. A surprising friendship slowly forms between the two very different women, from which both have a lot to gain.
Fukushima mon amour is the Prix coup de Coeur du public Radio-Canada winning movie of the last Festival cinéma du monde de Sherbrooke edition, which took place from the 4th april to the 9th april 2017.
The movie will be presentated Friday June, the 2nd , at 7 PM in La Capsule Bistro-Cinéma. Tickets available for 12.50 $. A special price is applied fort students, people who are 25 years and less, and 65 years and over. Tickets sold on site.
It will be followed by a debate.
Get popcorn for free during the evening.